Goldfish has white spots with red background - help? - white spots on skin photo
My goldfish has white buttons / points with a red background. It seems that there are three white spots under the skin ready to comeout. On the other side has a red spot
% Http: / / 5E_0164.jpg
You can use the patches on the image above.
It looks like a fungal infection. You can be sure it is when the scales are open to the outside than on the body.
Mushroom Mushroom not always the same does not seem to know, say, and if you need something really Mushroom a microscope.
Anyway, with these little things that I have supported a possible error. It could be Lymphocystis, a viral disease: ...
Or it could be a parasite, such as anchor worm: ...
Animals polluted their first round must be a water change with dechlorinated water 50%, many times these things can, with good quality water and goldfish are very, very large crowds should be avoided, and large water filters.
Mushroom Mushroom not always the same does not seem to know, say, and if you need something really Mushroom a microscope.
Anyway, with these little things that I have supported a possible error. It could be Lymphocystis, a viral disease: ...
Or it could be a parasite, such as anchor worm: ...
Animals polluted their first round must be a water change with dechlorinated water 50%, many times these things can, with good quality water and goldfish are very, very large crowds should be avoided, and large water filters.
I suggest you go to save your fish.
Tell them you are the symptoms.
They recommend drugs and what to do to use them. :]
I hope that everything goes well.
Happy New Year.
White Spot desire. fatal if untreated, but responds quickly to treatment. Go to the pet store and ask for a spot treatment, white or green malachite. White spot is a parasite that can kill
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