Monday, February 8, 2010

Déjàvu Fiberwig Is The Imju/dejavu Fiberwig Mascara Any Good?

Is the Imju/dejavu Fiberwig mascara any good? - déjàvu fiberwig

I never used personally, but I went to makeup alley and has 247 comments for this product so if I tell you, I'd go there and see what they have to say .... It is a good place to look for a product ... I already have the link for the mask as well if you are not only takes a minute to register ..... ...

We hope that this information is useful to you ~ ~ ~

1 comment:

Micha said...

Yes. The only drawback is that since more than one mask is moist, it is more likely to suffer with many separate tabs, so be careful. adds, however, without a doubt! (if you are looking for volume, but look elsewhere)

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