Sunday, February 7, 2010

Trade Ohio Drivers License For Florida One Can I Trade In A Car Without My Husband's Signature In Ohio?

Can I trade in a car without my husband's signature in Ohio? - trade ohio drivers license for florida one

I'll buy a new car and I am separated from my husband. I try to share my car and I think we can both be in the title, because I do not need to sell the car to the dealer?


Used Car Guru said...

Depends on how you write the title. If John Doe and Jane Doe, must sign both. If John Doe or Jane Doe, or you can register to sell or the motor trade.

Kimberle... said...

If it is signed in the title, I must be there to win. Otherwise, you can be prosecuted. Certainly not worth it unless you want to add it to his divorce. I am a dealer of used vehicles in Arizona and know that there is a trade if both parties were not present would take. I would also like using the credentials that are what they appear to be verified.

Debbie V said...

If the title has the title for you to trade or sell the car sign

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