Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Should My Psychology Paper Topic Be On What Would Be A Good Psychology Research Paper Topic?

What would be a good Psychology Research Paper topic? - what should my psychology paper topic be on

My teacher told me I should write something that interests me. So I thought, either the acid had an influence on the Beatles, or anything related to astrology and the moon. So confused. Help! The paper should be 5 to 8 pages in length,


Natalia said...

better in other areas as and call for help instead askimh here. Recommdng I did not, but there is, and it is always best to write UR own paper.

Melynda said...

I think the role of the acid seems interesting. I never hear of someone to write something. I have my work on the impact of weeds and use Bob Marley and other users of weed known examples. I have an A and she really liked my work.

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