Saturday, January 23, 2010

Funny Cowboy Goodbyes Cowboy Funny Or Not?

Cowboy funny or not? - funny cowboy goodbyes

A man goes to doctors, for example, he felt like a cowboy
The doctor asked, "How long have you felt like it"


Dont You Just Love It said...

This is a goaaaaaal for you I am concerned.

Dont You Just Love It said...

This is a goaaaaaal for you I am concerned.

Dont You Just Love It said...

This is a goaaaaaal for you I am concerned.

maverick said...

............. Funny Land

The Boss said...

Compliance ROFL!

booge said...

has haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

angel kiss said...

its gud x

man with the golden gun said...

But I still try, a day's work now!

Jena Isle said...

yeehhhh, LOL.

trigger said...

ha, like it!

gotgolf2... said...

It made me laugh

Greybear... said...

A tear real!

Bullwink... said...

I like it, thanks!

MAD FEMALE said...

lol one hears a lot worse

JAM123 said...

Very good. "

JAM123 said...

Very good. "

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